Monday, 2 June 2008

Now the question is...

...what kind of loser am I, rejecting several girls seriously interested in me in the past, then picking a girl that actually loves me, only to fall in love with her AFTER i treat her too cold and she decides to move on? The answer is imminent - a hopeless loser.

This makes another question springs to mind - what is there to be done now? An answer to this one I don't know. Should any of you guys know, please tell me. It's quite the issue. Getting over her isn't very sound idea for me now, despite its obvious logic and probable best results.


In other news, I got bursitis of the knee, wonder why. It doesn't hurt, but it's annoying, I will have to attend 4-5 more suctions spread in the next 3 or so weeks and in the meantime bend me knees as little as possible. To the contrary of Black I won't get any money for it. Bad for me. It doesn't hurt, which would usually be a good thing, but these days it would at least help me take my mind off more serious matters (stated above).
Also walking up/down the stairs makes me look funny.

EDIT: Worst thing being there really is noone to blame but me. Well, perhaps the God, but I'm not such a coward to blame him when usually I'm cautious in admitting his existence. I did ask him to help me several times, before and after today's showdown, and he obviously couldn't care less, which further destabilizes the little faith I have.


  1. Look on the bright side - that was an excellent learning experience. Clench your teeth, and you'll pull through and eventually come on top, stronger, wiser and better prepared for next time.

    (I should know.)

    Of course, given our (almost completely) opposite worldviews, I might not be the best person to give you this sort of advice. In fact, I might not be the best person to give relationship advice, period.

  2. I should know too, believe me :) It hurts everytime, though, so don't you think that next time it happens to you (g/God forbid) it'll be better. You'll just know better how to deal with it.

    Opposite worldviews don't render you useless for giving advice. Actually, talking to people with different POVs is very benefactory :)

  3. My advice? Enjoy it. You have a limited amount of being breaked up. Make your best from this state.
    Get mad, be irritable, run around, kick things, weep, laugh, listen to happy music, listen to sad music. Think of thinghs that could be, think of things that are never gonna be, think of things that were. Plot revange, plot apology, plot excuses, blame yourself.

    'Cause this is perhaps the last time you will be in such situation and you don't want to spoil you memories to this state by trying to recover from it, do you?

  4. Heh, Al, you made me smile, cheers :) That's a good advice indeed ;)
