Well, the first part anyway. It was rather difficult and some parts were an outright mindfuck. Just outside the lecture hall in which we sat someone was working with a pneumatic drill and other funky instruments causing us all a terrible headache.
The first knowledge test was pretty standard, nothing worth mentioning.
The second test, so called OSP, was much harder. It consisted of several categories of tasks to perform.
First category: you are presented with a complicated picture made of various lines and dots and circles and shit and 5 smaller ones, only one of which is a true cutout of the bigger one. The differences were negligible and very hard to find, especially when obscured by the number of complicated structures abound.
Second category: one picture of a spider/butterfly/cherries/whatever and 5 small clones of which only one is the same. Mark which one it is. Again, the differences were near impossible to find, little dots, lines... I can't really describe it.
Third category, the mindfuck one: you are presented with a photo of a glass cube, inside which there are one or two cables/ropes intervined and twisted around. Then there is another photo of the same cube, but from one other point of view (the first one was from the front, this one is either from the bottom, right, left, top or back). This really did stretch my imagination and I felt my brain twisting the same way the cables inside were :)
All in all I think it was rather hard, but I did OK I think. I might not get in, but I think it could have been even worse.
With 3 more exams to go + possible second rounds bidding you adieu,
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