On one of my endless journeys through the deepest marshes of wikipedia I happened to stumble upon the title of Ah! My Goddess anime series. I downloaded it and I like it. That being said, it's nothing really special that would spark the interest of otherwise anime-unfriendly audience like you lot, but it makes me smile and that's what matters.
Also the main heroine is totally beautiful (like, totally, forget Chidoris, Chis and the like) :)
Well, not much else I wanted to say, really, but if anyone would be interested, here is a link to the wiki page about the phenomenon, this one being the one about the TV series . In the remote chance some of you guys wanted to, I will be happy to provide you with the avis.
Oh wow. Maybe I should spare you the effort and point you to Lucky Star, Akira, Appleseed, Bubblegum Crisis, Death Note, Armitage III, Outlaw Star and other classics myself. See, I hate to break it to you, but America has already been discovered. You can call off the expedition.
ReplyDelete> anime-unfriendly audience
Say what?
Say camel!
ReplyDeleteSay arĂȘte!
Say whatever you want till you plop!
Algie -> arĂȘte? As in the knife-like rock formed by two glaciers? What deep connection does that have to the aforementioned mammal or my post?
ReplyDeleteMartin -> I don't seem to get your point. Other than sounding patronizing, what the hell are you trying to do?
As for the unfriendly audience, I still consider especially Al that. Martin got somewhat better, yet attempts to filter most out of his sight.
Also, whoever will try to defy Verdandi-sama, shall suffer the foot extent of my wrath!
> I don't seem to get your point.
ReplyDeleteIt's just that you've picked one of the least obscure animes to "hey guys look what I found" about.
Could've been worse, though. Could've been Dragonball Z.
> yet attempts to filter most out of his sight
So you missed that post where I watched and reviewed Yu-Gi-Oh solely to amuse you lot? I've got no beef with anime. Oh, I wouldn't mind if the plots were less convoluted, if intricate attacks didn't require that their names be yelled out, and if there were less general silliness abound. But Full Metal Panic remains one of my favourites even despite having all of the mentioned flaws (or rather, flawlets).
-> What deep connection does that have to the aforementioned mammal or my post?
ReplyDeleteNo sort of connection, sheer blubberish nonsense replying to M's assumption that he's the only visitor of your blogspace.
> M's assumption that he's the only visitor of your blogspace
ReplyDeletePlease point out where I assumed this.
I try not to assume things. It tends to make an ass of u and me.
-->Please point out where I assumed this.
ReplyDeleteAnd what was your motive for Say what then?
Because I don't consider the local audience anime-unfriendly. I know I aren't, last time I checked you weren't completely opposed to the idea of anime either, and whatever other visitors there may be chose to stay silent, so they don't count either way.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, it's nothing really special that would spark the interest of otherwise anime-unfriendly
ReplyDeleteI do fail at reading, after all.
Martin -> I by no means adopted the "oh look what I found" attitude. I just said "I found this and I like it". Nothing to get excited about.
ReplyDeleteBut oh well, it's your way of reacting :) When I find a new thing I like next time, no matter how mundane will it be, I might post about it. I don't claim to be Collumbus or something, I just announce things.
Alg -> It's nice to know you pass by from time to time :)
But you did devote a whole post to -perkele, what does it even matter. Let's just all act like I never commented on this post.
ReplyDeleteMaybe save for the reccomendations in the very first comment.
I accept your terms ^^