Wednesday, 8 October 2008


I've moved. More on that later, if anytime. I seriously don't have time for blogs lately.


  1. Then don't promise anything.

  2. Yay, movage. I still remember mine. The sore shoulders, restless sleep, a feeling of dissociation, then, in the distance, a glitter of hope, of a different life, change of visage and resocialization. Wild nights that ended in a different timezone. The love of my life, and addiction to painkillers. And then as it all started it ended, then came the depression, drinking myself to death every day and crying myself to sleep every night. I had to sell my kidney stones and my firstborn daughter just to get by. A terrible, scarring experience, let me tell you. It has made me half the man I am today, and damn the torpedoes.

    ...I forget what I was talking about. Anyway, cheers dude.

  3. Hehe, I hear ya :) Yeah, it will take some getting used to it. But hell, I had to take the step sooner or later, so why not now. I will need every bit of solitude and peace I can get in the upcoming years. The school today finally got me scared. Really scared.

  4. First week, huh? You'll find the next one much easier.

  5. Hahá! I přes veškerou vaší snahu, abych nerozuměla tomu, co sem píšete, máte smůlu!! Protože až na ten nechutně dlouhý comment no. 2 sem všemu rozuměla!!
    Ať žiju!!! :B

  6. > Protože až na ten nechutně dlouhý comment no. 2 sem všemu rozuměla!!

    Tl;dr, zhouba všech ukecaných. =(
