Thursday, 16 October 2008

Blog CPR

Hello lads and ladies,
it's been some time.

As I was walking from my parent's to my appartment just minutes ago, showered gently by tiny droplets of cold water falling from the sky and thoroughly enjoying the cold and fresh air, I decided that holding a housewarming party wouldn't be such a bad idea after all.

I know, I know, I'm not much (or any, for that matter) of a party person, so it seems a little weird. True, I'm troubled by numerous things. Will people enjoy themselves? How many should I invite? Should I think a lot about the entertainment I and my place will be able to provide, or just leave it up to the visitors and booze? Those are just a few things that race through my head right now.

I was thinking of inviting many different people that don't usually meet each other - or know each other at all! Some of the BS crew (well, most of it, if not all), some of my other ex-schoolmates, some of my new schoolmates, some of Eva's surroundings (and her as well, of course)... It might be interesting to see if some of the people click together. What do you think, is it too much of a dangerous risk?

The date is not set in stone yet, nor is it set in anything else. I was thinking Friday night, because - you know - that's when the best parties take place. 31st might be the day, who knows. When would you lot like to come?

In completely unrelated news, I learned today, that I'm a proud owner of not just one, but TWO vaginas! They are called vagina synovialis musculi bicipitis brachii capitis longi. Yes, all that. And I have two.

Also, I'm beginning to like it here. Might be thanks to the weather, which most people find horrible and depressing - yet I find it, in its own peculiar way, strangely invigorating and fresh. I like cold weather and now it makes me appreciate my comfy appartment even more, so it's a win-win.
The only downside now is the trip to Točník. I want to be there and I promised a great many people that I would see them there. But I don't want to get smashed too much, as I write my first anatomy test on Tuesday and need to study for it quite a bit, and if the weather keeps up, it won't be pleasant AT ALL. Especially because I don't intend to go by car and therefore I would need to sleep in a tent - much less comfy than a car, believe me. Oh, and by the way, the forecast says it will be below zero on Saturday morning. Joy.

I might even go vote tomorrow. As much as I'm ashamed of it, I will admit one thing - I had to ask my parents who to vote, because I haven't been paying ANY attention to the political scene lately.

Awright, this was the adrenaline injection for my beloved blog. Peace out, suckers, and get Facebook accounts y'all!!

See you in the afterlife,


  1. Housewarming party? Dude, gb2usa.

    Make it a regular party and I'm game. (Provided you want me there, of course.)

  2. Oh my Jebus, the kids have found the word "Sheath"? Where can I apply to my doctor licence?

    And I'm reading the sentence with "dangerous risk" for twentieth time and I can't still belive.....

  3. He has a point, you know. A lesser man may not be able to take the awesomeness of the BS crew. Thankfully we'll have a doctor on site in case that happens.

  4. Sorry but no medicine can cure the unbearable awesomeness of BS crew. We are sweating pure ice, after all.

  5. And the ice is on fire. PIRATE FIRE.


  7. NINJA FIRE, just to be clear on that. Or at least I am. But I don't really sweat that much, so this argument might be void in my case.

    Al, dude, think me immature, but this was a new information for me and it made me smile. Most importantly, though, the professor told us about it because it's one of the longest official names in human anatomy. Even longer than some Hungarian words!

    Martin, it will be a party, it's as simple as that. Housewarming or not, does that really matter? And yes, you are welcome to join us - do come. Same goes for Al, indeed, but I'll contact him on Facebook later anyway.

  8. > Housewarming or not, does that really matter?

    Yes it does. If you throw a party, it's cool. That's always cool. However, a housewarming party is a forced socializing event with all the attached douchebaggage.

    You have to understand, though, there's a difference between a housewarming party and a party that is incidentally also housewarming.

  9. Martine, housewarming party -je- cool!! Jen v angličtině to zní blbě... A kdybys používal víc češtinu, věděl bys to...
    A navíc, kdyby moje kamarádky zjistily, že to je jen obyčejná párty, tak by určitě nepřišly :D (a jestli ste si toho někdo všimnul, tak -moje- kamarádky jsou v budoucím seznamu pozvaných taky).
    Opravdu mám vzít kamarádky, Adame? Oba přece víme, co jsou mé kamarádky zač :D
