Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Tuesday Morning

I have yet to discover the biological mechanism behind this, but mornings can be both extremely joyful and extremely depressing time.

Sadly, today was one of the latter, I guess that was mainly because I had to go to school for the first time in like a fortnight or so. Snoozed the alarm twice, then, with an iron will, stumbled out of bed, tumbled into the kitchen, made myself a cup of ambition (tea), prepared a snack box into the school and had a very determined and focused breakfast. Each and every move I made was intended solely to keep me awake and finish the tasks I have to finish before I can leave the house – there was no joy or grace in any of them.

One thing I avoid at all costs when trying to get up is looking out of the window. It's cold, dark and unfriendly outside, the near-twilight being slit through by the occasional solitary street lamp... Not a sight for those weak of heart. And definitely not a sight that would improve the morale of someone who knows he has to leave the appartment in the matter of minutes anyway.

Everything seems pointless in the morning. School, work, hobbies, relationships, life...it all fades into insubstantiallity. All that matters is the bed, the alarm clock and the blanket.

Well, at least I'm warm now, sitting in the bus with my trusty laptop on my, well, lap, tucked in my headphones, hat, coat and sweatshirt. What gets me through the day is the vision of my bed I will be returning to in the evening.

This concludes my first 2009 dated and fairly pointless post. Surprised that I didn't mention the Christmas and New Year's Eve? Yeah, well, just you wait for it. Much like everything else right now it's faded into insubstantiallity ;)


1 comment:

  1. I'm surprised you can find the brainpower needed to assign such values as "pointless" or "insubstantial" in the morning. Me, I only attain sapience about halfway through my first class. (I've a long boot-up, what can I say.)
