Friday, 12 September 2008

On College

So I have, like, the UK ISIC card now, I can has loginz to UK computer system, I can has index and I'm totally a college student nao.

Aaanyway, in related news Adam Jaroš sent me link to my (probable) new timetable and applicant division into the "circles" (classes). The timetable is not 100% definite to be like this, but this is what last year's freshmen had and one of the teachers Adam has spoken to confirmed that we will have the same. Please inspect it here.

Not much informative value to you, unless you also know what circle am I in. Well, you can check that out here. I think it's enough to say that I'm in the same circle as Filip Grimm and in different one than Anča is - actually we are the only ones that have someone they know in their circle.

All in all, I'm quite happy now. Only thing that troubles me is that during the summer semestre I will be one of the 30 unlucky students to have school on Friday - which will suck big time. But it'll just "Nursing" so I might skip every now and then :)

Enough for the moment,
sleep tight.
