Just a quick note today. To all of you, who don't like WoW: take a look at this.
Tier 6 armor for Priests, very high level class-specific set. What I'm trying to show you is the beauty - even if you don't like the game you have to admit, that the designers occasionally do some very good work - like, for example, this one.
It's also the most beautiful of all the sets - just see for yourself here. The simplicity combines with silent dignity, while still hiding something from us. I just love it.
Do you like it as much as I do? Do you like some other sets better?
P.S.: Proteosomes coming soon.
All copyrights and that stuff is Blizzard's, of course.
I've been reading some very interesting stuff on the topics of ageing lately and I do plan on putting it up in partially digested form sooner than late, but it'll have to wait for some other and better day - I'm not feeling very intelligent today and I really cba to do anything of any value today anymore. Soz for that.
Stay tuned, interesting reading will be coming to your favourite blog soon.
Today I went to my friend's office to talk through my financial status and perspectives. See, he's kind of apprentice financier, studying the market and telling people what should they do with their money. He also had an attractive young lady with him, his "boss" or whatever, but not that it is of any importance to my story.
So here I am, at their office. Both are so nice and friendly to me, explaining mechanism of investment life insurance combined with mortgage and mortgage savings. Everything's so warm and friendly, in fact, that it would be seriously suspicious, if one of them wasn't my trusted friend. So, after some time we get to pension saving and stuff like that and finally I'm leaving the office, completely encumbered with too much data on everything and three signatures lighter.
During the 45minutes of my way home, with fat ladies trying to psychically force me to stand up and give up my deserved seat, I realize, that here we are actually earning money BY MONEY. We don't have to do a shit, we just have money and for that other people will give us yet more money.
Not that I mind, but reading this stuff later on I realize what state our society really is in. We have everything and we're so terribly bored. People have to sell their body, whereas we are paid for not using our money. People starve to death, whereas we start saving for our pension when we are 18.
I'm not trying to make a point here, it's just that it stroke me and I found it...amusing.
Yeah, and I just blasted off 399,- for my brother's Magic: The Gathering Started Pack.
You heard it - the time has come once again and I got myself a blog. Chances are pretty high that its life will be just as short as that of all my other blog attempts. But one has to try, doesn't he?
So, what can you expect from this place? I'll try to make it interesting, don't worry: links to articles I come across on the internets and find interesting, remarkable pictures from DA, insights about my gaming experiences, film or music reviews, stuff that happens in my RL and I feel like sharing... Don't worry, I'll try to limit the emo submissions to absolute minimum. That is: there will be none.
Why did I choose Oakwood Store as a title for this space? (I'd rather call it space than a blog, because that's what it really is.) See, oakwood is great material. It has the strenght, the proper feeling, the looks, it's friendly and supportive. And it's kinda rare nowadays. Yeah, that's what I would this place to be like.
As a first submission go check out my Dark Passion Play by Nighwish review on last.fm.